Road Trip! Those words can either be awesome and mean a lot of fun is coming, or they can be scary due to the fear of extreme boredom. The key to a good road trip is planning ahead. Most people do research to find the fun places to stop, but neglect many aspects of the drive between those fun places.
The essential packing list for a road trip to succeed
If you don’t plan for the gaps between hot spots, you are bound to end up bored. To plan for the gaps you need to find things to entertain you in the car, as well as make the experience more comfortable.
Below find the absolute best packing list for road trip to make sure it doesn’t turn into a prison sentence.
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Road Trip Essentials
All Natural Cleaning Wipes
I don’t even have to explain why these are necessary. The second you see them on the list you know that you’ve had occasion to use them.
Buy on Amazon.
Car Charger
Car Charger – I love this car charger because it can fit 4 usb chords in it. My husband and I each phones and bluetooth headphones that require charging. This is the only way we can make sure we don’t have to fight over the plugs.
Shop this car charger here.
Car Trash Can – Life Saver
Car Trash Can – Am I the only one that shoves all my trash into the car door and then forgets it is there and then accidentally reaches into a sticky mess later? This mini trash can makes everything so much neater.
Click here to check prices on Amazon.
Sun Visor Storage
Sun Visor Storage – Hate losing that parking slip? Or a pen? Or even your phone adapter? How about storing it in a storage visor. You know, like the ones that we used to put CDs in?
Check current prices on Amazon.
Stop Dropper
Stop Dropper – I know everyone has done this. You drop change, keys, or your phone between the seats they seem to disappear forever. You ultimately have to stop the car and dive under the seat to find your stuff. These stoppers are so convenient and will save you so much frustration trying to find what you lost under the seat.
Check prices on Amazon here.
Compression Pillow
Compression Pillow – I used to bring a normal size pillow on road trips but it was always such a pain! They take up so much space and although they make for a good nap, sometimes you need the extra space. This pillow is perfect for traveling!
Check prices on Amazon here.
Fuzzy Socks
Fuzzy Socks – Admit it, there are times where your feet get cold? Did you get in the car wearing sandals so you could easily slip them off and sleep? Make sure to pack a nice warm pair of fuzzy socks to keep your toes from getting cold.
Check current prices on Amazon.
Road Trip Snacks
Healthy Snacks – When on the road I tend to eat out way more than I do at home, and when I eat out I tend to eat way more junk than I do at home. Plan ahead by bringing some healthy snacks so that you don’t feel like crap with 6 hours to your next destination.
Beef Jerky
My current obsession is healthy(ier) beef jerky – i.e. not entirely full of sugar and brown sugar. It is SO GOOD…expensive, but good.
Coconut Cookies
Everyone knows that a good road trip requires quality snacks. Make sure that you steer towards the healthy side because extended periods away. I love these organic coconut cookies (Peanut butter is my favorite. And as a bonus they are very filling!)
Sleeping Pills/Caffeine Pills – When it is your time to drive you need to be ready to drive, and when it is your time to sleep you want to be ready to sleep. I hate having to stop for a large energy drink only to have to stop to go to the bathroom soon after – i.e. caffeine pills instead of energy drinks.
Even the most comfortable car isn’t as good as my own bed, but why not be prepared with sleeping pills to help you enjoy your time not at the wheel.
What else do you pack to make the time go by?