The Best Swimsuits to Add to Your Travel Packing List

When creating the perfect travel packing list for a summer vacation you definitely want to plan ahead. Packing is stressful when done on time, and when you have to leave in 10 minutes and still can’t close your suitcase the stress becomes almost unbearable (okay, maybe not unbearable but you get the idea).

I am ashamed to admit that there have been times me and my husband have had to completely cancel a trip because I wasn’t packed in time. (Read more about my chronic illness issues here)

Whether you are dealing with chronic health issues or not it doesn’t matter. There is one thing most girls have in common and that is packing is stressful.

Whether you are planning on swimming at the beach, a hotel pool, hot tub, hot springs, etc these are some of my current favorite swimsuits for vacation.

High Waisted Swimsuits

Shop some of our favorite high waisted swimsuit trends from ASOS | Nordstrom | Revolve

Traveling to Cancun and the surrounding areas like Chichen Itza, and Cenote Samaal were some of my favorite travel moments yet. I packed a variety of swimwear for this trip since we would be swimming in the ocean, pools, hot tubs, and cenotes.

Whats the difference?

The ocean can be pretty rough on your swimwear and you definitely want to make sure nothing is going to be popping out if a wave hits.

One Piece Swimsuits

Swimsuit ASOS (Best one peice swimwear currently on sale!)

Shop our favorite one piece from ASOS | Nordstrom | Revolve

Best Swimwear for Swimming in Hot Springs

Swimsuit Trend: Off the Shoulder – LOVE everything about this swimwear trend. Obsessed with this one from Revolve.

Shop our favorite off the shoulder swimsuits from ASOS | Nordstrom | Revolve

When we went to the Azores (Read more about our trip to Sao Miguel Island Azores here) I had to make sure I packed a swimsuit that was not going to be stained by the orange water. Yes, I actually swam in that and loved every minute of it. Haha.

There were warnings about the water staining light colored clothes and swimsuits so I picked a red one piece that I have been packing on repeat for most of our vacations! It is virtually indestructible.

Read Next: I am Jumping on the Neon Swimsuit Trend (You Should Too)

Swimming in Hot Tubs & Pools

THIS TOP IN PINK IS CURRENTLY ON SALE FOR $13! It won’t last long unfortunately. SHOP HERE.

Swimming in water that is treated with Chlorine and other heavy chemicals like a pool or hot tub is sure to ruin your swimsuit for good unless you wash it immediately after getting out.

I’m that girl that ignores all warnings and tends to learn most lessons the hard way. Sigh. I knew I was “supposed” to wash my swimsuit after swimming but did I really need to? Turns out, I did. The chemicals in the pool ruined my favorite swimsuit. Now I always make sure to rinse it out right after swimming.

Side note – if 20 minutes in a hot tub can ruin the fabric and bleach the color of your swimwear, does it make anyone else think, what is it doing to my skin? Ha.

I guess after my battle with POTS Syndrome and other chronic illness conditions I find myself questioning how everything is affecting my health. I can’t help myself!

Read more about my battle with chronic illness here.

What is your favorite swimsuit to pack for vacation?

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